Perioperative Management of Obesity for Non-Metabolic Surgeons – A National Quality Improvement Project

Perioperative Management of Obesity for Non-Metabolic Surgeons – A National Quality Improvement Project

Dear Colleagues,

Following the success of RETAINER, the Irish Surgical Research Collaborative will commence work on the project theme of Obesity. This will involve a multi centre RCT the OAT Trial, investigating thromboprophylaxis efficacy in metabolic surgery and a National Quality Improvement project to improve both the pathway and outcomes for patients suffering from obesity undergoing non-metabolic abdominal surgery e.g. colorectal resection, cystectomy and emergency laparotomy.

Obesity is significantly increasing. In the last 3 decades, the worldwide prevalence of obesity has increased 27.5% for adults and 47.1% for children. The true impact of obesity on post-operative outcomes is not well established and reports across a wide range of surgical studies are conflicting.

The first step is to understand the current barriers, management pathways and general clinical concerns regarding obesity throughout the perioperative pathway.

We invite you to complete the following (QUICK and ANONYMOUS) snapshot survey to understand your current practice and perceptions of areas of clinical challenge when offering and performing abdominal surgery to patients suffering from obesity.

You can access the survey in the following link

Thank you in advance for contributing to this important work.

ISRC Committee

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