Entering the world of surgical research can sometimes seem a bit daunting but we will aim to build a resource library to help you get started and steer you in the right direction. We will continue to populate our resources section with useful resources that are discussed in out monthly blogs. To start off we would like to introduce you to STARSurg.
PERioperative Fluid Management in Elective ColecTomy (PERFECT)—a national prospective cohort study (PERFECT)
PERFECT was the first study performed by the ISRC which was a national prospective cohort study investigating the clinical impact of perioperative fluid administration in elective colectomy
International snapshot study exploring the impact of COVID-19 on elective inguinal hernia repair
Approximately 20 million elective inguinal hernia repair (IHR) operations are performed worldwide each year1. Postoperative urinary retention is a recognized complication of IHR, but rates are inconsistently defined and reported2. In 2020, the Irish Surgical Research Collaborative (ISRC) planned to launch an international two-phase prospective study entitled RETAINER
(RETention of urine After INguinal hernia Elective Repair)3. Launch of this study was interrupted because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the interim, the RETAINER Collaborative group sought to explore the overall impact of COVID-19 on international elective IHR practice.